Cobh Public Realm Enhancement Plan

A People Centered Urban Design Masterplan

Cobh Public Realm Enhancement Plan

A People Centered Urban Design Masterplan

Cobh Public Realm
Enhancement Plan

A People Centered Urban
Design Masterplan

Cobh Public Realm
Enhancement Plan

A People Centered Urban
Design Masterplan

Project Introduction

L ROY 10572


Cobh Public Realm

An exciting new urban design to enhance the public realm of Cobh’s town centre has been drawn up by Cork County Council, with a people-centred approach that promises to make Cobh a more attractive town in which to live, work, visit and invest.

  • 50% Increase in seating
  • 80+ Trees planted
  • 200+ Bike spaces
  • 330m+ Raingardens/SUDs
If you plan towns for cars and traffic, you get cars and traffic…If you plan for people and places, you get people and places” Fred Kent – Project for Public Spaces’

Design Principals / Project Zones

6 Key Character Areas Are Identified In The Plan:

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 5

Zone 6

Special Online Event


Cork County Council held a special online event on July 8th to launch the Cobh Public Realm Enhancement Plan. This webinar was open to everyone and provided an advance preview of the rationale and design proposals to enhance the public realm of Cobh’s town centre. Overall, the event brought together around 130 people, a mix of local residents, businesses, and community organisations. The project was introduced by the Mayor, Cllr Gillian Coughlan, and Divisional Manager, Valerie O’Sullivan, in the videos below.

A Welcome From The Mayor of Cork County Council

Cllr. Gillian Coughlan

A Welcome From Divisional Manager of Cork County Council

Valerie O’ Sullivan


View Project

Smalls Well AFTER

Have your say

We look forward to hearing your feedback, submissions or observations may be made up to 5pm on Friday 20th August 2021


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